COVID-19 Information

Seaside Dance & Gymnastics Centre is following all CDC and local government COVID-19 regulations. The COVID-19 policy form must be signed, found with the registration materials, and returned when registering for classes. All parents and students must comply with all policies in order to enter the studio.
A mask must worn upon entering the studio in order to reduce risk of exposure to yourself and all other patrons in the studio. Acceptable masks are medical masks, cloth masks, bandana or handkerchief masks.
Temperatures will be taken for all patrons entering the studio. If your temperature is over the designated limit you will not be allowed in the studio.
Parents and students must not enter the studio if they or a family member has been sick or had a fever in the past week.
Patrons must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before entering the studio.
All patrons must practice social distancing and to the best of ability remain 6 feet apart from other patrons and staff.
The waiting area is for pick up/drop off only, there will be no congregating in the waiting area during or after class.
Students may not share food or drinks with other students.
Students must alert the staff after using the restroom in order for it to be sanitized for the next guest. The restrooms are not open to the public.
Registration fees may be paid through the Seaside Dance & Gymnastics Centre website.
Classes, recitals, and all other studio events, may be cancelled or moved to a virtual setting at the direction of government guidelines.
Rules are subject to change based on government guidance and at the discretion of Seaside Dance.